Friday 8 October 2010


After our Media lesson today, we have found that the best quality recording is 'I don't believe you' the 'final' recording. This is because the Piano and Voice ratio is perfect, whilst in the other recordings, the Piano is too loud, and blocks Lara's voice out.

We have no yet decided to use this recording, as we plan to annotate the song lyrics and come up with some ideas, for the music video, because it is quite repetitive, for instance:

"When you say you don't need me anymore
So don't pretend to
Not love me at all
I don't mind it,
I still don't mind at all"

This chorus is repeated many times, and due to its repetitiveness it could cause a lack of ideas, for the music video plot.
We have each printed out a copy of the lyrics, and will annotate them individually, and on our next lesson, we will put our ideas together and make an informed decision!

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Recording Complete

The recording was a sucess!

We recorded the two songs, 'Hide & Seek' and 'I don't believe you'. My personal favourite was 'I don't believe you' because i found that it sounded better, being played on the Piano, in contrast to the other song, which would have sounded better being played with two people, and the Harp.

We had to adjust the Microphone placement a couple of times, to achieve the correct balance between the sound of the Piano and Lara's voice. We also had to change rooms to D5 due to a clash between our plans and other students plans, although this room also had high ceilings, and little echoe, as well as a very nice Piano... with a squiky chair!

CD1: I don't believe you - Lara Anstead - First Take
CD2: I don't believe you - Lara Anstead - Final Take
CD3: Hide & Seek - Lara Anstead - First Take
CD4: Hide & Seek - Lara Anstead - Final Take

I have transferred all of the four CD's to my laptop, and renamed the tracks to that of above, and they are now in my Itunes Library. I have also burnt these 4 songs onto a blank disk, ready to use in my Media lesson on Thursday, to discuss the quality of the recording, and whether we should use the tracks/which track.

Monday 4 October 2010

Recording Planning

From: Mr Canning
Sent: 04 October 2010 14:14
To: Emily BADGER
Subject: Recording

Hi Emily

Mr Broadbent says that Weds is a problem because they’ve got controlled assessments going on and this is causing rooming difficulties. BUT he says that breaktime is possible although you might get interrupted every so often by people moving about.

In any case, he’s happy for you to go and see him to explain precisely what you need and he will try his best to arrange it for you. If I were you I’d go today….

Mr C

From: Emily BADGER
Sent: 06 October 2010 10:17
To: Mr Canning
Subject: RE: Recording

I’ve spoken to Mr Broadbent with Katie and Katherine, and we plan to record this break time, using a CD recorder in the music room.

Thank you very much for helping us find a suitable area to record.

Hopefully it goes to plan!

Emily, Katherine & Katie

I don't believe you by P!nk

Sunday 3 October 2010

Change Of Songs?

My partners and i have found another song which we all like more than the other. This is because 'Imogen Heap', who sung 'Hide & Seek', has electronically modified her voice, so it sounds slightly Robotic. My partners and I all dislike this effect as we feel it doesn't fit in with the ideas we had for the Music Video, and it changes the mood.

We are going to record 'I don't believe you' by 'P!nk' on Wednesday the 6th of October, as well as 'Hide & Seek' and discuss which one sounds better/which one to use. Also, we have researched the background music to both the tracks, and found that 'Hide & Seek' plays better with two people, and a Harp, and 'I don't believe you' sounds beautiful on the Piano.

Friday 1 October 2010

Recording Wednesday 6th of October 10:30

I have contacted Lara and arranged for a recording on Wednesday 6th of October, at 10.30.
This recording will take place in the Music Department, in room D3. We have already visited the Music Department, and decided this room is the best room to use, due to the high ceilings, and its small size, so there should be no echoe.

We have spoken about recording Lara using a Camera, although the Microphones are too small, and the condition/quality of the recording would be poor, so we are using a Tape/CD Recorder. I have bought a pack of 12 blank CD's in preperation, so that we are fully prepared for anything that could go wrong. We have familiarised ourselves with the recorder so we know how to use it, and have a Microphone ready use.

I have also, printed of a copy of the Lyrics to the song 'Hide & Seek' and also the Piano Chords, so that Lara does not have to play by memory.

I feel we are very prepared for the recording on Wednesday,