Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Introduction To The Project

We have chosen our groups of 3 people to work in, for our new Music Video Media Project, and have started planning the genre of the musc we want to work with.
We used Youtube to research potensial songs, and music artists for our project, discovering many inspiring ideas, and gaining inspiration.
Although we have been Youtube'ing I have an artist in mind, Lara Anstead. Lara is a former student at this school, and an incredible unsigned singer. I have spoken to my partners and we have decided to use Lara as our Artist.
The problem with this idea is that we need to record her singing, but this must be a good quality recording, otherwise the music will appear amateur, which is not the effect we're looking for.

We have also found a song, through searching through our Ipod's and Youtube; 'Hide & Seek' sung originally by 'Imogen Heap'. The reason we have chosen Lara to sing, as oppose to Imogen Heap, is due to the fact that using an unsigned artist makes our Porject stand out from the rest, and is more quirky. Also, we have all agreed that we prefer Lara's voice, as oppose to Imogen Heap as her voice has been electronically modified to give a robotic type sound, which we feel does not match our ideas on the Music Video.

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