Monday, 17 January 2011

Inspiration Also Found From: Breathe Me by Sia

I think that the layering of the Polaroid pictures to create a moving film is a very different and interesting approach. This is something that I would definately like to use in parts of my Music Video.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

On My Own :|

I have now begun the task over again, after one of my partners dropped out of the course, and the other decided she wanted to go in a different direction. I think that choosing a more upbeat song would be easier to use creative editing techniques and potensially make it a more interesting film; but I have already started working on this particular song, and already have a beutiful recording that took alot of planning, and I have decided to carry on and be the only one to finish the job, and finish it well!

I'm really looking forward to the task ahead, and although I have three peoples work on my shoulder's, you have to look on the brightside, and I am now the official director, editor and camera man, so it should be challenge!